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Ergochair V600

Ergochair developed their V-Trak technology to address specific postural issues for wheelchair users. They have now adapted the technology  to enable them to offer it in an office chair, the Adapt V600.

Ergochair developed their V-Trak technology to address specific postural issues for wheelchair users. They have now adapted the technology  to enable them to offer it in an office chair, the Adapt V600.

V600 comes with breathable and infinitely adjustable lateral wings to wrap around you and hidden inner-contouring straps to provide variable support to the curves of your spine.

The chair also features a 3 lever asynchronous knee tilting mechanism, and all the standard features you’d expect of an Egochair, such as an inflatable lumbar support, seat depth and back height adjustment.


Please contact us if you are interested in this product.


Lumbar Bulb

Lumbar bulb.

Push fit, will fit most chairs.

£13.98 Incl. VAT

Desk raisers

Circular desk raiser. Fits under circular or cantilever desk legs to raise height by 25mm. Can be stacked for greater height. Supplied in pack of 4.

£15.00 Incl. VAT

Putnams Bed Wedge Spare Cover

Spare polycotton cover for Putnams bed wedge.

£25.24£29.87 Incl. VAT
£25.24£29.87 Incl. VAT

Putnams 5″ Lumbar roll

The Lumbar Rolls are good for counteracting slouching in most seats,and are firm lower back supports.  They are made from superior 50 grade foam for extended durability.  Suitable for the home, office or car.

Reduces back pain. Helpful for osteoporosis sufferers and people with collapsed spine.

Supports lower back for long journeys and eases back pain and helps with posture

Available with Velour Cover in Black, Blue, Grey or Beige and includes adjustable fixing strap.

£27.73 Incl. VAT

Putnams “D” Shape Lumbar Support

The Lumbar Rolls are good for counteracting slouching in most seats,and are firm lower back supports.  They are made from superior 50 grade foam for extended durability.  Suitable for the home, office or car.

Reduces back pain. Helpful for osteoporosis sufferers and people with collapsed spine.

Supports lower back for long journeys and eases back pain and helps with posture.

The D shape works well with a flat seat back.

Available with Velour Cover in Black, Blue, Grey or Beige and includes adjustable fixing strap.


£27.73 Incl. VAT

Putnams 4″ Lumbar roll

The Lumbar Rolls are good for counteracting slouching in most seats,and are firm lower back supports.  They are made from supierior 50 grade foam for extended durability.  Suitable for the home, office or car.

Reduces back pain. Helpful for osteoporosis sufferers and people with collapsed spine.

Supports lower back for long journeys and eases back pain and helps with posture

Available with Velour Cover in Black, Blue, Grey or Beige and includes adjustable fixing strap.

£27.73 Incl. VAT

RH 8e Armrest pad

In Stock for immediate despatch

Replacement armrest top pad only for Rh chair. Commonly fitted to Logic 300/400 and Extend chairs.

Sliding armrest pad only. Easily replace your old worn or cracked armrest.

Can be used instead of the 8S arm rest top.

Sold in singles and pairs

£31.20£60.00 Incl. VAT
£31.20£60.00 Incl. VAT

DCA Footrest

A simple sturdy footrest.

The platforms angle adjusts for comfort.

Non slip feet to keep it in place.

RH 8s Replacement Armrest pad

** In stock and will usually be despatched the next day! **

We aim to process all orders received up to 4pm on the same day. These will be collected by our courier the next day. You should receive your order in 3-5 days.

Replacement armrest top pad only for Rh chairs. Commonly fitted to Logic 300/400 and Extend chairs.

Swivel armrest pad only. Easily replace your old worn or cracked armrest.

Sold in singles or pairs. Left and right arms take the same pad. Please note the price of a pair is a cheaper rate than buying two singles. Frequently customers who purchase singles come back for another, and don’t get this price advantage.

To replace, swivel the old pad 90 degrees, remove the now exposed screw and slide it off the armrest. Particularly old armrests may take a fair bit of effort to come off.

Such is the popularity of this item I keep them under my desk! So depending on where I am and the time of day, we can despatch these quickly.

While you’re at it, check that the lumbar bulb is still functioning. These perish in time and just pull off, push on to the tube.


£38.40£876.96 Incl. VAT
£38.40£876.96 Incl. VAT

Fellowes Premium Gel Wrist Pad

Angle adjustable with a 10mm forward or negative adjustment, allows for individual customisation and a preferred working position to be adopted.

Soothing gel provides comfort and support.

Long lasting polyester covering withstands every day wear and tear.

Non-skid backing keeps wrist support in place

£38.70 Incl. VAT

Lumbar Bulb bulk offer

Special bulk offer for 10 Lumbar bulbs – save £££’s over the price of a single.

Push fit, will fit most chairs.

Takes seconds to change – get the office chairs working again!

£38.88£118.80 Incl. VAT
£38.88£118.80 Incl. VAT

LT70 Laptop stand

The LT70 laptop stand is a very small economical laptop stand that will fit most laptops.

Made of sturdy aluminium the LT70 folds small enough to slip into a pocket, and deploys in seconds so that your screen is the right height.

7 positions and just 260g.


£39.60£360.00 Incl. VAT
£39.60£360.00 Incl. VAT

Putnams 8 degree Seat Wedge

Putnams Wedges are ideal at home, in the office and in the car. The angle of a wedge whilst sat tilts the pelvis forward and this in turn helps to correct the alignment of the spine. Reducing back pain and improving posture. This form of active sitting improves your muscles and can also improve your posture when you aren’t sat.

The 8 degree is suitable for most situations. Some people find the extra height of the 11 degree wedge beneficial in cars with deeper and lower seats.

Available in black, dark blue, grey and beige.


£45.67 Incl. VAT

Putnams 8 degree Seat Wedge with Coccyx cut-out

Putnams Wedges are ideal at home, in the office and in the car. The angle of a wedge whilst sat tilts the pelvis forward and this in turn helps to correct the alignment of the spine. Reducing back pain and improving posture. This form of active sitting improves your muscles and can also improve your posture when you aren’t sat.

The 8 degree is suitable for most situations. Some people find the extra height of the 11 degree wedge beneficial in cars with deeper and lower seats.

A specialist range of wedges for home, car and office use with coccyx cut outs to reduce pressure at the base of the spine (tailbone region) ideal for sufferers of general lower back pain, Coccydynia and tailbone pain.

Available in black, dark blue, grey and beige.


£45.67 Incl. VAT

Grip Mouse

A simple vertical mouse from ergonomic experts, Bakker Elkhuizen.

When we hold a traditional flat mouse, the bones in our forearms are crossed, and this coupled with the focussed and repetitive clicking of the fingers, often thousands of clicks a day, can lead to a number of issues.

A vertical mouse holds the hand in a more natural ‘handshake’ position than the more established ‘flat’ mouse.

The Grip mouse features two buttons and a scrolling wheel and is suitable for right handed use only.

Cursor speed 1200dpi

Cable length 150cm

Weight 150g


£47.94 Incl. VAT

Putnams 11 degree Seat Wedge

Putnams Wedges are ideal at home, in the office and in the car. The angle of a wedge whilst sat tilts the pelvis forward and this in turn helps to correct the alignment of the spine. Reducing back pain and improving posture. This form of active sitting improves your muscles and can also improve your posture when you aren’t sat.

The 8 degree is suitable for most situations. Some people find the extra height of the 11 degree wedge beneficial in cars with deeper and lower seats.

Available in black, dark blue, grey and beige.


£54.36 Incl. VAT

Putnams 11 degree Seat Wedge with Coccyx cut-out

Putnams Wedges are ideal at home, in the office and in the car. The angle of a wedge whilst sat tilts the pelvis forward and this in turn helps to correct the alignment of the spine. Reducing back pain and improving posture. This form of active sitting improves your muscles and can also improve your posture when you aren’t sat.

The 8 degree is suitable for most situations. Some people find the extra height of the 11 degree wedge beneficial in cars with deeper and lower seats.

A specialist range of wedges for home, car and office use with coccyx cut outs to reduce pressure at the base of the spine (tailbone region) ideal for sufferers of general lower back pain, Coccydynia and tailbone pain.

Available in black, dark blue, grey and beige.


£54.36 Incl. VAT

RH Axia Replacement armrest pad

Replacement armrest top pad only for Rh Axia only chair.

This chair has been produced by several manufacturers over the years: BMA, Nomique and now Rh but the parts are all the same.

Easily replace your old worn or cracked armrest.

Sold in pairs and usually despatched next day.

£55.20 Incl. VAT

Deluxe Comfort footrest

Tilt adjustable to 40 degrees and with 3 height settings. Non slip rubber feet and surface bumps for comfort.

£58.50 Incl. VAT